Public Speaking For Career Advancement | Doris Pickering

Public Speaking For Career Advancement—Doris Pickering (Ep 26)

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Public Speaking For Career Advancement | Doris PickeringDoris Pickering, a presentation and speaking coach, is one of my favorite people in the San Francisco Bay area. Following a strong background as a manager with HP, Doris set out on her own to support executives, professionals and small business owners in delivering powerful messages. From business presentations to TED Talks, she helps her clients achieve their goals of being confident public speakers.

Our discussion touches on the evolution of her business and her personal mindset. Both of which I believe may resonate with you. She is a gifted observer of life and we talk about how comparison can hinder your personal and professional development. We discuss how effective presentations and speaking are things that create enormous stress for many people. With a lack of these skills, one can hinder themselves in business and the workplace.


We start by discussing some of Doris’ early roles on her career path and go on to discuss:

  • Why Doris chose to focus on executive speaking
  • Communicating so that others hear your message
  • Investing in your own professional development
  • Creatively approaching your career growth
  • The importance of connecting with yourself to succeed


  • Becoming a confident speaker positively impacts your career.
  • Stop the comparison game – it limits who you are.


“The cost of being brilliantly successful is often that we shut down who we are. Who we are is so much more important than what we do.” 

—Doris Pickering

“We always compare our insides (how we feel), with other peoples’ outsides (what we see). If you continue to do this, you will never win.”

—Doris Pickering


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  1. […] Public Speaking For Career Advancement—Doris Pickering (Ep 26)  […]