Max Branstetter

Business Growth, Podcasting and Connection – Max Branstetter (Ep 36)

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Max Branstetter is the founder of MaxPodcasting, a service that offers podcast production. We connected through Podcast Movement Virtual 2020. In addition to podcast production, Max also hosts the Wild Business Growth Podcast, where he interviews entrepreneurs and innovators to discover the creative and unusual ways they grow their businesses.

In this conversation we talk about:

  • Max’s company and podcast
  • His connections to family business Hippo Direct
  • Tips for podcasters who self-edit
  • How his podcast and network is helping his business
  • His favorite topics from Podcast Movement Virtual 2020

Hopefully you can tell from our conversation that Max has great energy and whimsy, qualities he uses effortlessly in his business pursuits.

Mentioned in this Episode

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Robonzo 0:02
This is the Morning Tempo podcast. I’m your host, Robonzo. On this podcast, I have conversations with business owners and the entrepreneurial with the slant toward creativity. It’s an opportunity for you to learn, with me, from people who are finding success in the business world, all intended to make your entrepreneurial journey a little bit easier.

Robonzo 0:25
Thank you for joining me for another episode. If you are listening to this on the day of its release, you may be experiencing an election hangover or still waiting to find out what the results of the 2020 US presidential election are. In any case, I hope you’re doing well. stressful times. I know. My guest for this episode is Max branstetter of Max podcasting. As with my last guest, Louise Brogan, Max and I met at podcast virtual podcast movement virtual 2020. We met virtually Of course, because it is a virtual conference. In this conversation Max and I talk about his while the business growth podcast. His company max podcasting, which offers production assistance services, such as editing, his connections to family business Hippo direct, and tips for podcasters who self edit or are reaching that point of hiring an editor. He also gives nice insight into how he’s leveraging his network for the podcast and business. How his podcast has helped his business and his favorite topics from podcast movement virtual, you can check out max at max Get it max podcasting. He’s a really nice guy. He’s got great energy and whimsy. I like him. Here is me and Max Branstetter.

Interview Begins

Robonzo 1:48
How many podcast movements have you been to?

Max Branstetter 1:51
So I’ve only, so I guess this is technically my second. But this obviously was different this year. But I went I went last year for the first time in person and was like blown away by it. It was just totally, totally in love with it. I was like, oh, count me in like I need to go to this every year. So obviously it was different. How about you?

Robonzo 2:09
First time I actually, you know, wanted to go to it. I don’t know how many. I was gonna say episodes, how many events in they were but they were in my hometown of Fort Worth, Texas. I don’t know, five years ago, maybe. But anyway, this was my firt was gonna be my first live event. Hopefully, you know, Nashville will happen next year.

Max Branstetter 2:30
Yeah, I hope so. Yeah. would you would you think of it for your first experience with it?

Robonzo 2:34
I enjoyed the few sessions that I’ve been in, you know, probably, I started watching one or two that I bailed on. But you know, not that they were bad. But just either maybe a little bit of what and speaking to me, too, yeah, there’s so much other interesting content going on, that’s pertinent to my world. So I tried to write and tune into some of those. I’m hoping that I don’t know, I forgotten what level of ticket I have. And I’m hoping that I will be able to watch the replays for a week or whatever the extended period is because you know, now it’s over. And I didn’t even watch a third, or, you know, a quarter of them.

Max Branstetter 3:11
Right. Yeah, I know, when it’s when it’s from home, it’s harder to like, when you got stuff to do during the day, it’s harder to like, make time for for that one. It’s, you know, like, you don’t know how each session is going to be but yeah, hopefully. I mean, after experiencing and, like in person, it was amazing. Because just the ability to meet people in person and like the like, it’s just a whole different vibe, when you see all the people there and go different sessions and have the ability to actually, you know, like, talk to the speakers after he said like, that’s a real, I was really cool thing. So going from that to this year was like, you know, online, I think they did the best that they could with it. But anyway, you slice it, it just doesn’t doesn’t compare to the in person. So it’s there’s still benefits to it, but…

Robonzo 3:53
So are you based in Hoboken, New Jersey?

Max Branstetter 3:56
Yes. Hoboken.

Robonzo 3:58
How is it there today?

Max Branstetter 4:01
It’s good. It’s, well, it’s cold, probably probably much colder than it is by you. But it’s been rainy past few days. But it’s all in all things are, the grand scheme of things like some stuff is open, but stuff is starting to increase. So it’s like people are staying in, or I don’t know, I feel like we’re staying in a lot more than in a typical year. But you can still do out, go out and do stuff.

Robonzo 4:28
Well, it’s good. I hope the ability for everyone to move about as you are right now continues to be on the upward trend as opposed to things getting contracted back. I’m expecting things to contract back where we are and some things to shut back down. This is a big holiday weekend where I live in Panama. It’s it’s actually like a week long of holidays. And I imagine that we’ll see some you know, numbers rising unfortunately, I am. [Yeah.] So you’re not from there. Right. You’re from Ohio. Is that correct?

Max Branstetter 4:59
Yeah, so I’m from, yeah, I’m from Cleveland, Ohio, suburb outside Cleveland, Ohio. So I grew up there and went to school in Indiana, and then got my first job in Connecticut after that. So that kind of brought me to the east coast. And I’ve been, since then I’ve been Connecticut, New York, New Jersey. So I feel like at this point, I’m just moving west. It’s like, going west as an explorer pioneer out here.

Robonzo 5:23
Yeah. Do you think you’ll stay in New Jersey? Or do you just don’t know? or?

Max Branstetter 5:27
Yeah, yeah, I mean, my girlfriend Dana is from here. And she’s from she’s from actually from Westfield, the same town that my cousins are from. And so that’s kind of how we met in the first place and so… This is like really home for her. So at least for like, meantime, like near future, like I think we’ll be somewhat in this area. We both love Hoboken. So I’m not sure like, long, long, long term, but like [It’s home.] who knows but yeah, it’s great. And Hoboken is a great town where it’s, it’s kind of I mean, it’s still busy, but it’s still compared to New York City. It’s obviously got a way smaller town feel. And we are it’s way quieter. Lots of great restaurants. And still you can go into the city whenever you want. So it’s a nice mix of things.

Robonzo 6:13
That’s nice. Tell me about well, let me ask you about Wild Business Growth Podcast first. Tell me about it. The inspiration and anything else you want to fill listeners in on?

Max Branstetter 6:27
Yeah, absolutely. So Wild Business Growth Podcast, I started, I think recorded the first interviews in July of 2018. And it started, I had been listening to podcasts. And my first my favorite one was actually at the start was, first one I ever listened to was called Road Tripping. Some Cleveland Cavaliers, Cleveland Cavaliers players at the time. Richard Jefferson Channing Frye, Allie Clifton, they, It was my first time hearing something where I was like, Oh, my God, these are superstars. And they’re just regular people, like you hear them. And it feels like you’re in the locker room with them. It feels like you’re on the plane with them or when they’re traveling in a hotel in some random NBA city. And I was like, first kind of aha moment, it was like, wow, like, pod, there’s something really unique about this podcasting is you know, where you can feel like you’re in the room with somebody or you just feel like you’re, you know, you’re having a conversation with somebody or listening in on a conversation, whatever conversation you want. And I, around the time a little bit after that time, I left my corporate job in brand management and join my family business. We’ve a marketing company that it literally grew up with. And my dad and I were brainstorming ways to market the business. And we just kept going back to podcasting. Like whatever we do, we need to have a podcast because it’s it’s a growing medium, it’s, it’s a great way to get your story out there. We thought we’d be great at it. And across our business lines was we were all about helping you grow your business. So the different things we offer, like mailing lists, email lists, oh, everything that Hippo Direct, the name of the business, offers goes back to helping our clients grow their business or like, well, what if we interviewed entrepreneurs, small business owners that were doing really, really cool things, and talk about how they’re able to grow their business. So that’s kind of where it came from. And then the more I started doing it, it just like took a whole life of its own. And I found a whole new love for podcasting as wow, this is really, this is something I really enjoyed doing. And as you know, it’s it’s so cool, talking with so many inspiring and fascinating people. And especially when you have an interview show in the podcasting world, it just expands your network to like a new level and you just never know what one interview or one contact with somebody will turn into. And so the podcast kind of took a life on its own. And then eventually, in this year at the time of the recording. I you know, this has been a crazy year for the podcast, because we had Episode 100 and [That’s exciting.] I thank you. Yeah. And I have been more and more involved in producing podcasts for other small business owners, and eventually spun off the production business into a whole separate business, which is called max podcasting. And you’ll never guess you know, who’s some weirdo named Max is but like, it’s definitely a play on words there. But the new, Wild Business Growth Podcast today is pretty unchanged from the format. And it’s still one new episode every Wednesday morning. It just now lives under the new entity. So as you can find everything about the podcast and Max podcasting now.

Robonzo 9:33
That’s cool. And I was gonna ask about Hippo Direct in a different way. But as soon as I, like there has to be some relation because I was looking at the branding, you know, it’s very clear. [Yeah.] But I thought I’m sure that’ll come out and it did. So what’s the history of the company? Did your dad start it? How long have you had it or has the family had it?

Max Branstetter 9:52
Yes. So I, I literally grew up with it. Like I think a lot of people grow up and have memories of you know, maybe one or two Their parents coming home from work. And then it’s kind of family time after work. I have memories of coming back from school and running downstairs to say hi to my parents who were both working on the basement. So I grew up, my dad started Hippo Direct 1992. Year I was born. And so I literally like grew up with it. It was just part of our house, it was part of our business, you know, it’s done so much for us. Part of our family has done so much for us. And I always thought at some point, I’d want to work for another company. And I just didn’t know what I would be doing and when that would be. And over the past last couple of years that I worked at my corporate job that became clear of like, Alright, this is when I’m joining the business. And this is what I’m going to be doing, and actually started out just focusing on digital marketing. And when you do that, you kind of realize, like, holy cow, digital marketing is a very broad and vague thing. So I helped out some people in the digital marketing side. But podcasting allows you to be more focused in an area that was like a natural fit for me that I could really enjoy doing. And I enjoy helping people and helping them save time with with their podcast. And over time, it just that that whole kind of energy for podcasting and enthusiasm and the growing part of the business at the time, it really became clear that it deserves to be spun off as a different company. So that’s where Max Podcasting came from. But I’m still doing doing some stuff with Hippo Direct, some stuff helping out in the marketing side. It’s just more and more of my time is more focused on, you know, the new production business. [Yeah.] And my podcast.

Robonzo 11:38
Well, knowing what Max Podcasting does, you were, before I suppose we may call it the official beginning of our recording, you were saying some nice things about my, my podcasts and my style. But let’s say someone who feels they’re, you know, who’s like me, like I’ve gone back and forth between having an editor. Right now I’m spending my money on someone who helps with social and some of the other online related things while I experiment with some new things for SEO and contemplate some ads and you know, trying to get the listener numbers up and all that, before I try to sell anything. And if I do, but so what kind of tips, let’s take mine as an example. What kind of tips would you have? Be it, you know, here’s some reasons you might want to consider an editor or here’s some easy things that you can do you know, while you’re editing, currently, what kind of tips would you have to offer me and someone like me?

Max Branstetter 12:38
Yeah, sure. So there’s, there’s kind of two sides to that. So one is if you are interested in hiring an editor, and I think sounds like you might be reaching that point, a lot of podcasters reach that point where, when you launch a podcast at the start, when you start recording and you start releasing episodes, it’s really, really exciting. And that excitement continues for a while. But I think at some point, you get slapped in the face by Oh my God, this stuff takes a long time to do. And not just I mean, the recording is one thing, but the editing, I think what a lot of people don’t realize is it can take, you know, three to four times the length of whatever your interview is, just to edit a single episode. So think how much time that is every week. And you know, if you have a podcast that’s even more frequent, that’s even more. So think about how you want to spend your time and think about, you know, what kind of business you have, or what kind of business you work in? Do you know, what could you do if you freed up, you know, three, four more hours every single week, and, you know, avoided the kind of stress and time that’s involved in the editing side of things. So what I talked about with Max, Podcasting, and this is an example but any editor producer that you work with. For Max Podcasting standpoint, I’m all about saving you time and delivering high quality. So I love to work with small business owners who know that a podcast can do great things for them there. They know what a podcast is, they’re excited to do it. They know, it could be a huge part of their brand and a great networking tool for them. But they know that by no means is it worth their time to do every single minute detail that’s involved in the editing and publishing. And, you know, licensing music and splicing all this stuff together. And so what I like to say is, you know, fight, whether it’s me or someone else, find someone who will take the stuff off your plate that you don’t want to do and just lets you focus on doing the interviews and you know, the really fun stuff and, and sharing it out. So that’s kind of, it’s all about that saving time, but also you want to make sure you have a great quality final product as well. And then on the second part of what you’re asking, What tips do you have for somebody that that is editing themselves? I would say that, obviously you need to you know, you want to listen to the whole thing and you want to pay attention to detail as you’re going through it. But don’t get to the point where you’re over editing. So like at the start, and I remember at the start when I was, you know, doing everything for a Wild Business Growth Podcast, I would literally like edit out breaths. And I would edit out like these tiny details that if you go back and listen to it after 99% of the people are just not gonna, they’re not going to notice it, or they’re not going to care about it, you know if that’s in there or not. So there’s little things like that, that you don’t need to go crazy on the editing standpoint. What do you want to look for when you’re editing is making sure that the volume levels sound great, you know, it’s even on both the interviewers side, and the guest side, you want to make sure that if there’s any, you know, extra long pauses or extra uses of “ums” or “really,” you know, words like that, that are filler over the top, totally fine to keep some of those in but you don’t want the whole interview to be like um, um, um, um… just to make a point. So look for those things. Go through it, but just don’t don’t over edit, because you need to edit. But it can actually backfire if you over edit to the point that somebody is listening and you know, words start getting cut off things like that.

Robonzo 16:08
Yeah, that’s good advice. I think when I first started, I heard some podcasts. A couple of where I was like, something sounds weird about that. And I think it’s because they may have been over editing and things just didn’t sound natural. [Right.] You know, we were talking about Tim Ferriss when you first came on and you know, one of the things I [What a guy.] Yeah, incredible. One of the things I took away from him was to try and keep it easy, make it as low edit as possible. I’m sure things have changed for him quite a bit since he, you know, was podcasting in those early days. But I’ve always had that approach and I was, you know, to the extreme I was watching I don’t know if all of his episodes are this way, but I was watching Chris Ducker do one on one of his YouTube videos. We were also talking about Chris because you had him on your podcast on Episode what?

Max Branstetter 16:53
Ninety-nine. [99.]

Max Branstetter 16:55
It’s a fun memory game to try to remember the episode numbers for each one but yeah, that’s an easy one, ninety-nine.

Robonzo 17:01
I should try that game. And he literally so we had one of these Road Caster Pros i think is what it’s called.

Max Branstetter 17:08
Oh rodi, rodi cat. Yeah, it’s got the I don’t know what the name is. But the Oh is like, has the slash going through it? Yeah, I guess rodie caster pro.

Robonzo 17:16
So anyway, he just he was doing a real short episode on, while he was doing the video; And I think he, was not sure it was a theme of his video, but he was you know, batching his content, so it’s a nice example of it; because he was doing this video for YouTube, you know, for the sake of video, and then he was doing the podcast episode. So he’d have you hang on a sec while I did the intro. And I was like, Man, that son of a gun just recorded his podcast episode and has given it off for uploading pretty much. Yeah, yeah, I know, his kid is an AV guy and you know, maybe sound treating it and maybe going over it last minute, but it was good enough that he could have just published it right then. And I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s how they tried to do it. [Right.] Yeah, I wish I could say mine were that good. I always tell people I pride myself on like, this is going to be kind of live. So don’t say you know, try not to say anything that you want me to go back and edit out because I don’t read that this cost me time. I don’t want to go back and edit. I have to listen to it anyway. I will if I have to. But

Max Branstetter 18:08
Yeah, apologies in advance for that. I can’t help that, but…

Robonzo 18:12
Yeah, so. So where’s where’s Max Podcasting going in the coming year?

Max Branstetter 18:21
Great question. So I mean, at the time of this recording, it’s it’s still a very new company. And what what I do and how I produce podcasts, that part hasn’t changed that much. Except, you know, finding efficiencies or what you know, where, like, what really my core benefits are and who’s the best people for me to work with that can help out so, but the overall offering hasn’t changed that much since I was doing it as part of Hippo Direct, and it was just kind of a podcast branch for us. What has totally changed is the branding. And I’ve been blown away like you hear about it, you hear people talk about it. But once you kind of put yourself out there as like the get in the word experts overuse but let’s just use it for now. Because you know, why not? Keep overusing it?

Robonzo 19:07
What’s your, what’s your, what’s your better word, by the way? Do you have one yet?

Max Branstetter 19:11
Um, well, my buddy Ryan Foland helped me come up with the term of the instapot of podcast, which I think is pretty cool. Okay, we’ll go to good analogy and metaphor for it. But let’s you know, whether you’re an instapot or an expert, once you put yourself as kind of like a name and a certain you know, niched space, people… You become top of mind for people and they know, you know, who to refer to you and who to introduce you to. And I think what has been so helpful in this journey, you know, I’m already seeing it pay off off the bat is, you know, I have had this wild business growth podcast and been doing interviews with a new entrepreneur literally every single week for the past two years, and so I had that you know, before even launching the new business And so turn around. And I’ve got over 100 incredible entrepreneurs in my network. And I got some great advice from my friend Elise, who is another former guest, Elise Gelwicks. When she was starting her podcast, and I was like, you know, I’m starting this new thing, do you have any advice for new entrepreneur, and she’s like, you have to leverage your network. And she’s like, you’re in such a great position, because you have such a fortified network, from these podcast, guests, reach out to some people every single day and just send a note saying, Hey, here’s what I’m doing at a new business, I would love to chat with you. And so I’ve been making a point to do that every single day, you know, most days a week just to reach out to five people, often former guests, but also people I know, in the industry, just talk to them, not like a hardcore sales pitch or anything, but just to kind of tell them about the new business. And it helps to be top of mind if they do ever hear about somebody after that, that needs podcast help. So I think what’s what’s really exciting, and what’s been growing, and really cool to see with all like the new leads coming in, and the referrals has been the like power of my network is really, really showing itself off. And it’s, it’s already getting to the point, which I knew I’d come to this point at some point, but I didn’t think it would happen so quickly, like, it’s going to get to the point where like, it’s not a question of, you know, if I do, you know, think about building a team and expanding this and growing at some point, it’s a question of, okay, when’s that gonna happen? And how do I do that? So I don’t have the answers right now. But I definitely do. You know, and I’ve been inspired by so many others that, you know, have built a company that kind of started as them and then they’ve grown from there. And I think there’s real opportunity to do that with with Max Podcasting, as well. So I’m really excited to offer more help and be able to take on more clients from that standpoint, it’s just it’s got to start with growth growth on my in my company’s end.

Robonzo 21:46
That’s cool. And it’s nice to have that feeling that growth is coming. And what Yeah, what great advice. And what a great reminder, you know, I’ve used this many times in the past. And as you’re talking about it, I’m thinking to myself, I’ve been kind of remiss on leveraging my network to that extent. Now, that said, I’m doing a survey for the Unstarving Musician, it’s actually for the second edition of a book I wrote that’s related. And I’m leveraging the network of guests for that survey, and I’m having these wonderful conversations and reconnections, you know how it is with with podcasting. Once you get to 100 episodes, or before then for me. It’s like, I want to keep in touch with every one of you that I’ve spoken with. But it just, you know, time gets away. And you know, we just we don’t make the time. And so it’s a wonderful way, it’s been a wonderful way to reconnect with them. And, and a way to leverage the network, obviously. So what a great reminder, man, I love that.

Max Branstetter 22:40
Yeah, absolutely. And it never, it never fails that sure enough, like just having a 15 minute call, maybe it could be even a 10 minute call a five minute call, just talking to someone, it might spur an idea in their mind, or, you know, maybe it’s someone, maybe it’s someone that they’ll introduce you to, or maybe they even need some help themselves, but, or maybe you have something just to offer them that was exactly you know, right at the right time that, you know, both sides needed it. It just, it’s always better to make, you know, set up that extra call and take that extra call and then to not do it. And, you know, you’ve seen this yourself. Anybody who’s been you know, podcasting into the tens and hundreds episodes, you have such a great base, even just starting with those podcasts guests, that it’s an amazing opportunity to tap into your network whenever you have a new business launching or a new offer a new book release, whatever it is.

Robonzo 23:35
Yeah, I love that. And what, you gave me a little bit of an idea of what they these conversations look like, from the very beginning, what are your, what is your outreach look like? And is the goal to hopefully get on a call so you can catch up? And do do these things that you mentioned? Like let them know, or does it sometimes consist of other things, but what is the you know, the granular approach look like for people that are thinking I need to do this?

Max Branstetter 23:58
Yeah, and this is like, advice right back to Elise, a shout out at Elise again, but I I literally have, I made an Excel file. I got you know, I started a V lookup function. I’m just kidding. But I did start an Excel file. And I went through my guests while business growth and I you know, made a list and was like alright, you know who who do I definitely want to make sure I want to reach out to like, you know, right away within the first couple weeks of launching. Who do who do I want to reach out to, like when to do it? And when I go through it, I make a point you know every day to reach out to five people and I’ll first start with an email just saying like, Hey, you know, hope things are great or if there’s anything you know, recently I saw with them, or corny joke ref. There’s probably a lot of corny jokes and references that you have with with your guests as well, but and then I’ll just say like, not sure if you saw this but started this new business, Max Podcasting. Here’s a link. Here’s a blog post that I did that shows in detail why exactly I started. And after that, basically just say, you know, here’s my scheduling link. totally up to you, if you can swing it, but would love to connect for like a quick 15 minute call, if you can soon just to talk about the news. And pretty much leave it at that. And I would say, you know, vast majority of people are more than willing to hop on a quick call like that and talk about the news. I wouldn’t go around saying like, hey, we’d love two hours of your time. And let’s talk about all these things like I need your help on. It’s different than that. But a quick call sharing news like that, and just catching up on the personal side as well goes such a long way. And I think when you have had somebody on your podcast, or vice versa, or you’re just connect with them on social media, you have some sort of history with them. When you have new news that’s exciting and has you know, the potential to grow, you know, even had another guest, buddy Mitch Zlotnick told me the other day, he’s like, it’s like, I’m giving you a ton of advice man, he’s like, I love to see people succeed. Like, people just love to help out others, especially when they like them. And you have a good relationship and love to do what they can just to help out and make new ventures to success. So nobody can, like, by no means nobody can do it on their own, like you are limiting yourself at a certain point. And you know, whether it’s time or, or resources, so the more you reach out to that network is, you know, it just bodes better for you and whatever you’re working on.

Robonzo 26:27
Cool. I like that too, man. And it’s it really is funny, I think is more than anything, for me personally, it’s a great reminder, because as you talk, describe what you’re doing is like I’ve done this, and I feel like I’m again, I feel a little remiss that I’m not reaching out to two to five people a day without having some specific reason like, Hey, can you you know, would you mind doing this survey thing for the you know, book I’m doing and everybody’s great about helping me out they don’t have time. That’s that’s cool to always let people know, you’re, you’re no matter what, you’re still an A Lister with me, you know? [Yeah, exactly.] But that’s great. So it’s a really wonderful reminder. This is just for me and anybody else who just maybe he’s listening that was at podcast movement, virtual but is there anything that you would recommend that I try to go back and watch during the replay window that you really liked?

Max Branstetter 27:17
Yeah, there’s… one of my favorite parts of podcast movement is you get like a the latest and greatest data or data however you want to say it? I historically don’t know how to say that. But all the stats on who’s listening to podcasts? How are they listening to podcasts? What, you know, from the podcasts perspective, are people doing audio or video or both? And these, you know, all these things, here’s how people are editing podcasts. Like, there’s so much information out there. And I think the podcast industry is still like, so young, there’s so much potential on the data or data side. Like it, it’s, it’s completely it doesn’t compare to, you know, like digital marketing, or all different forms of, you know, all these different other mediums as far as how much data you have. I think that will come in the future. But for right now, it’s pretty limited on that standpoint. And so podcast movement is a great place to go to different sessions and get a lot of, you know, deep dives into whatever, you know, data is out there and say, All right, here’s kind of like the state of podcasting. Here’s the state of podcasts listening, here’s all that. So the names that come to mind for that. Tom Webster from Edison Research had a fantastic keynote on that. Okay, so that that was a really good one. Rob Walsh from Libsyn, who I love using Libsyn By the way, third party hosts, helps create your RSS feed, they he does something every year called this podcast marketing advice is BS. You know, this is the 2020 version. Yeah. So he kind of has a really funny but also really, really insightful look on the podcast industry from you know, podcast host perspective. And you know, what it takes and what here’s the overall trends we’re seeing. There was another one from Pro Podcast Solutions. If you’re interested in the editing side, Darryl Darnell, he’s, he’s really good for anybody who’s interested in the production side of things. He was really insightful. And then another one that we thought was really cool. If you’re just interested in learning some general interviewing tips. There was one that a few different people were a panel line that I watched a guy Jared Watson from Cleveland, there’s Kara Mayer Robinson, who’s interviewed does a really famous podcast interviews, all sorts of people. Josh Meili. I can’t believe I remember all these names. I think [I know I’m like, impressed.] Yeah, I must. I feel like I wrote their names down on a chalkboard, like Bart Simpson, so I could remember. But they each had a panel, they had a panel together where they talk about their interviewing tips, and there was some really, really good stuff. They’re really just stuff that makes sense, but also really good reminders for when you’re interviewing especially as more and more people, and probably so many of your interviews and minor now as well, are interviewing more remotely. You know, there’s things you can do to ensure that you have a great interview remotely, even though it’s obviously nothing will compare to being face to face in person interviews. But there’s things you can do to improve that. And so it’s always, always good as an interviewer to work on your interviewing tips, which sounds funny, but it’s, it can make your podcast that much better.

Robonzo 30:24
Yeah, and that last one is probably, although that the the data part of it is pretty cool. I’ll have to listen to at least one of those you mentioned, I think I’ve heard the others. But that that last one you mentioned, I really love the art of the interview. So anything I can do to be better at it is fun for me to delve into. So thanks for that. And thank you for spending your time with me on your Friday to have this conversation. I really appreciate it.

Max Branstetter 30:52
Of course, it’s the best kind of Friday. So I really appreciate you having me on. And it’s you know, part of learning more about you and listening to your podcasts, plural. I’m just blown away by your background and how you interview and you’ve really, really good stuff. And it’s cool that we have you know, some people in our network in common as well and people that I just absolutely love so big fan of your stuff and excited to stay in touch going for. But thanks again for having me on and talking about all sorts of things.

Robonzo 31:22
Yeah, that’s very kind of you and for those of you listening, and it will be in the show notes. But is where you can find out everything about what Max is doing and the also about the Wild Business Growth Podcast. So do check that out, Max. Thanks again. I’ll be talking to you soon.

Max Branstetter 31:37
Perfect right back at you. Thank you so much. Cheers.

Robonzo 31:42
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Robonzo 32:28
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Robonzo 33:04
If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe wherever you listen to your favorites. With a whole lot of love to my good friend and former bandmate Frank Salazar, who wrote and performed the Morning Tempo, podcast theme song. Frank, you rock. Ciao for now.

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