Helping Leaders Bring Out The Best In Their People | Annie LeCroix

Helping Leaders Bring Out the Best in Their People–Annie LaCroix (E13)

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Helping Leaders Bring Out The Best In Their People | Annie LeCroixAnnie LaCroix loves helping leaders bring about the best in their people. She’s a small business consultant who enjoys working with owners, their systems, and their teams.

Annie is also the host creator of the Brainy Boss Podcast, which launched in December of 2018. Brainy Boss is also a community and hub for her business consultancy. The podcast was inspired by the fact that she found herself having the business same conversations over and over again. The podcast enables Annie to share insights with a broader audience. It’s also a vehicle upon which Annie can expand her consulting business.


Here are the highlights and topics of our conversation.

  • Annie and I share thoughts on the Patt Flynn’s AMPd Up Podcasting course and its Facebook community
  • Annie elaborates on the Brainy Boss Podcast and why she created it
  • Annie’s business consulting niche
  • The most common conversations that come up in Annie’s small business consulting and Brainy Boss Podcast
  • The importance of community for entrepreneurs
  • How conferences satisfy Annie’s preference for in-person interactions
  • Annie’s criteria for attending conferences
  • The inspiration for Brainy Boss and how it relates to Annie’s massage therapy education business
  • Annie’s thoughts on coaching versus consulting, and where they overlap
  • Annie shares her favorite coaching resources


  1. One cannot effectively consult for a business owner/manager without getting into how they manage stress
  2. The challenges of managing time, bringing on team members, and creating systems are common among all businesses
  3. Shared interest communities are there for us whether we’re highly-active contributors or somewhat quiet-contributors


[Full Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase products using these links, I’ll earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!]

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BONUS CONTENT (Follow-up Q & A with Annie)

Roberto: If you were starting your entrepreneurial journey over from the beginning, what would you do differently?

Annie: I would ask for help and hire help earlier.  I did everything right from the start and burnout very quickly.

Roberto: What’s your number one way of dealing with the voices of self doubt?

Annie: I recognize the voices of self doubt for what they are:  Liars trying to detract me from my goals.  I ignore them.

Roberto: What has helped you most in building community around your business?

Annie: Staying connected with clients and peers.  Reaching out just to say hello with no agenda.



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