Lessons Learned for the Modern Freelancer | Mike Volkin

Lessons Learned for the Modern Freelancer (Part Two)—Mike Volkin (Ep 28)

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Lessons Learned for the Modern Freelancer | Mike VolkinSchool is back in session with entrepreneur and lead instructor at Freelancer Masterclass, Mike Volkin. This time Mike’s telling us about neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change and grow over time, and how knowing how to influence that change can help you break through the barriers and ceilings in your own life. We touch base with my Pomodoro experiment as well as Mike’s own takeaways from creative visualization and mindfulness.

Mike Volkin is a speaker, a trainer, an Army veteran, and if that’s not enough he’s the author of five bestsellers. Joining the Army three days after 9/11, Mike spent eight years as a Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Operations Sergeant. During his service overseas he began to write his books as well as receiving an Army Commendation Medal before coming home to build and sell four companies. These days he’s the owner and Lead Instructor at Freelancer Masterclass, a direction born from Mike’s personal mission to have a life remembered as one that launched ten thousand careers.


We start this episode by catching up on my experiment with the Pomodoro app before settling into “headier” subjects like:

  • What neuroplasticity actually is and what drew Mike to study it
  • The personal and professional benefits of working with neuroplasticity
  • Building creative visualization and meditation into our daily lives
  • Taking the best from our backgrounds and interests into our career
  • Moving beyond our limits and breaking through our income and interest ceilings
  • Mike’s tips on increasing your brain’s neuroplasticity


  • Having a successful career is about constantly being in motion. You pull from your past, your background, your interests to inform your present, and you look to your future goals as a way to challenge and improve your process. Never stay static.
  • Aim to perfect what you do every day. Work to better concentrate your focus and get the most out of yourself through experimentation and education.


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