Macbook, headphones, mic, and an XLR to USB interface on white background.

Michele Lorentz Asks How to Start a Podcast (Ep 16)

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How to Start a Podcast | Michele LorentzIn this episode Michele Lorentz asks questions about how to start a podcast. Michele is at the beginning of a new journey – she’s starting her own podcast. I answer her questions, talk about how I got into podcasting, discuss resources and more. It’s very much a how-to episode. Michele’s goal is to help empower women, and we discuss how she can do this through the podcast medium.


  • How my book led to creating a podcast
  • How mind mapping helped me to determine my core focus areas
  • Michele’s curiosity and passion for people
  • Technical talk on microphones, recording equipment, and editing software
  • Recording with multiple hosts and/or guests
  • Various hosting services and why nothing is ever free
  • How to balance the advice of others


  1. Do your research. Know what you want from your podcast, then figure out the logistics to make it happen.
  2. Create the podcast you’d want to hear.
  3. Niche down. The more specific you are, the easier it is for your audience to find you.


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